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F10 Germ Wound Spray with Insecticide 100ml

F10 Germ Wound Spray with Insecticide 100ml

Regular price R 129.90
Regular price R 129.90 Sale price R 129.90
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A topical application spot treatment spray as an antiseptic and long-acting barrier to infection.   For use in open wound sites caused by e.g. trauma, muelsing, castration, de-budding and de-horning. Also for abscesses, foot rot, dart wounds, de-gloving injuries as well as over closure sites.

It incorporates an insecticide to repel insects such as biting  (sweet itch) and ticks.  It is effective to eliminate infestation due to fly strike (the larvae migrate out of the wound without the need for mechanical elimination) whilst at the same time creating an effective antiseptic barrier and effective repellent to further fly strikes.

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